The D149-DI Series of AC Dielectric BreakdownTesters represents a new level of sophistication,flexibility and accuracy in breakdown voltage testing.Each unit is equipped with a new standard embeddedfirmware controller that is internally programmed toperform the ASTM D149 short-time test, step-by-steptest and slow rate-of-rise test as well as the tests
procedures in the IEC60243-1 and IEC60243-2. Thisunit can also be easily programmed to performvariations of these test sequences. The voltmetercircuit continually samples each waveform todetermine the breakdown voltage with the highest
accuracy. The operator can control all test parametersas required. When testing is complete, all breakdowninformation for that series of test samples areautomatically recorded. Standard units are availablein 30kV, 50kV, 75kV and100kV AC/DC for a wide