Efficacy of light-protective additive packaging in protecting milk freshness in a retail dairy case with LED lighting at different light intensities
Aili Wanga,?, Catherine H. Dadmunb, Rachel M. Handc, Sean F. O'Keefea, J'’Nai B. Phillipsa,
Kemia A. Andersa, Susan E. Duncana
a Department of Food Science and Technology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg 24061, United States
b Department of Chemistry, College of Charleston, Charleston 29424, United States
c Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824, United States
Light emitting diodes (LED) are rapidly developing as dominant lighting systems in dairy retail cases. Bright light is typically chosen to best exhibit milk products. However, high intensity LED lighting may create high potential for detrimental oxidation and destroying milk freshness. In this study, we investigated the interaction between LED light intensity, exposure time, and packaging material on limiting milk oxidation and protecting milk freshness and vitamins. Within 4 h of LED light exposure at an intensity as low as 1068 lx, light-induced oxidation occurred on 2% milkfat milk with commercial packaging including glass and translucent high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. Higher light intensity (> 4094 lx) and longer light exposure time (> 24 h) rapidly increased the oxidation rate in milk. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packaging with lower oxygen permeability rate effectively reduced (P < 0.05) vitamin A degradation under low light intensity within 24 h. A combination of light-protective additive (TiO2) and oxygen barrier material (PET) successfully reduced (P < .05) the loss of dissolved oxygen and riboflavin, and decreased the formation of final oxidation products in milk, as measured by thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS), when exposed to high light intensity within
24 h. Lower LED light intensity in retail case was preferred by 50% of participants in a visual acceptance test; consumers are willing to consider pigmented packaging with limited visibility. Results of this study provides guidance for dairy industry in choosing appropriate LED lighting conditions and packaging to adequay display the milk products as well as minimize the degradation of milk nutrients and flavor.
2.6.2. Electronic nose analysis
Analysis was conducted immediay after dissolved oxygen analysis using conducting polymer electronic nose (Cyranose® 320, Sensigent, Baldwin, CA) to prevent the loss of volatiles. Settings (Appendix) for the electronic nose (E-Nose) analysis were established by a preliminary study assessing the draw and purge time of the instrument (Amin, 2016). The Cyranose® 320 measurement is based on change in resistance of each chemical sensor in the 32-sensor NoseChip® when exposed to volatiles. Milk sample (5 mL) was pipetted into a lean amber glass vials (20 mL) and sealed with rubber septum and cap, and the ratio between headspace volatiles and liquid sample was 3:1 in each vial. Samples were held in water bath (65 °C) for a minimum of 10 min to allow equilibrium of volatiles to occur within the headspace. Samples were collected by piercing the airtight rubber septum with a needle and using detector of E-Nose to insert inside the vial to absorb the headspace volatiles. The process was repeated 5 times for each milk sample. E-Nose data were processed with the software of PCnose®
溶解氧分析后立即使用導電聚合物電子鼻(Cyranose 320,Sensigent,Baldwin,CA)進行分析,以防止揮發物損失。電子鼻(e-nose)分析的設置(附錄)是通過評估儀器抽吸和吹掃時間的初步研究確定的(Amin,2016年)。Cyranose 320的測量基于32傳感器NoseChip®暴露于揮發物時每個化學傳感器的電阻變化。將牛奶樣品(5ML)用移液管移入淡黃色玻璃瓶(20ML)中,用橡膠隔墊和瓶蓋密封,每瓶頂空揮發物與液體樣品的比例為3:1。將樣品置于水浴(65°C)中至少10分鐘,以便在頂空內發生揮發物平衡。用進樣針頭刺穿密封橡膠隔墊,用電子鼻檢測器插入藥瓶內,吸入頂空揮發物,采集樣品。對每個牛奶樣品重復該過程5次。電子鼻數據使用PCNOSE®軟件進行處理。